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Winter Semester 2011/2012

Title of the Talk
09.01. Claudia Grytz Structural studies on DNA molecules
16.01. Philipp Spindler Proposal for SPP "New Frontiers in EPR"
23.01. Robert Hänsel In-cell EPR
30.01. Petr Neugebauer DNP with different solvents
07.12. free slot
14.12. Denise Schütz Investigations on DNP signal-enhance- ment for various agent & target molecules
21.12. Reza Dastvan PELDOR on POTRA Domains from Cyano bacterial Omp 85
11.01. Florian Amend Strictly protected nitroxide spin labels
18.01. Andriy Marko Effects of motional dynamics on PELDOR traces
25.01. Vasyl Denysenkov New DNP probes
08.02. Haleh Hashemi Haeri tba